探索博彩平台网址大全人类历史的永恒问题, 文化, 心理学, 以及我们组织的方式, 沟通, 并相互联系, 有时, 为什么我们做不到这些呢. 在小, 亲密的类, you’ll be guided by expert faculty with a genuine commitment to hands-on learning and real-world applications of knowledge. 不管你的终极课程是什么, a UNE education provides you with a solid foundation in the highly desirable, highly portable habits of mind that employers look for — even in professions like technology, 金融, 和医学. 通过我们的 核心课程, you’ll acquire the essential skills of critical thinking and communications, foster intercultural awareness and a sense of environmental responsibility, 并学会成为一个积极参与的世界公民.
课程衔接得很好. The professors 沟通 and ensure that students are getting the most out of the classes...有很多的凝聚力. 这是一次真正的文科体验. Everything that I studied came together in a perfect funnel — that’s exactly what college should do.
— Mackenzie Deveau ’19, 政治科学/Women's and Gender Studies
在博彩平台网址大全,我们对教育采取全面的看法. That means bringing together different kinds of people from different disciplines with different learning methodologies: from medical workers with a solid grounding in the humanities to marine entrepreneurs at the crossroads of science, 业务, 和政策. We are constantly seeking to foster new and surprising combinations.
It’s not only okay to enter college without declaring a major—for some people, 这可能是他们做过的最好的决定之一. 在一个, we believe that college can be a time of investigation and learning about different fields of study. 我们的指导本科学习计划(GUST) is designed to support you while you explore your interests and options so that in the end you can graduate on time with a major that ignites your passions.
From the classroom to the lab and out in the field, our commitment to fostering a 思想市场 是你文科教育不可或缺的一部分吗. 除了, UNE sponsors multiple event series where diverse perspectives can be presented and discussed through civil and respectful discourse. 总统论坛 is an example of a program that allows for open and robust conversation on timely topics in a fair and balanced manner. Past discussions at this event series range from transgender athletes competing in competitive sports to the emergence of artificial intelligence in everyday life.
另一方面, if you know exactly where you want to go when you enter college, 在某些情况下, 我们可以帮你更快到达那里. UNE提供几种4+1, 3+2, 2+4 options that allow you to pursue your undergraduate and graduate degrees in a single accelerated program. 这些包括 药店, 医学生物学, 海洋科学, 环境科学, 社会工作, 职业治疗, 水产养殖. Our GradVantage program also allows undergraduate students with well-defined career aspirations to streamline acceptance into certain UNE graduate programs. 一旦被GradVantage项目录取, you may then move directly into your chosen UNE graduate program, provided all requirements are met during your undergraduate studies.